The main contributor method that is supposed to provide completion variants to result, based on completion parameters.
The default implementation looks for
s you could register by
CompletionContributor.extend(CompletionType, ElementPattern, CompletionProvider)
from your contributor constructor,
matches the desired completion type and
with actual ones, and, depending on it, invokes those
completion providers.
If you want to implement this functionality directly by overriding this method, the following is for you.
Always check that parameters match your situation, and that completion type (CompletionParameters.getCompletionType()
is of your favourite kind. This method is run inside a read action. If you do any long activity non-related to PSI in it, please
ensure you call ProgressManager.checkCanceled()
often enough so that the completion process
can be cancelled smoothly when the user begins to type in the editor.