public interface PsiExternalReferenceHost extends PsiElement
There are two kinds of element references: own references and external references.
Own references are references the element knows about, they are usually used by language support.
Element doesn't know about external references since, for example, they might be contributed by plugins.
External references are used for navigation/Find Usages/etc as well as own references.
The element must implement this interface to support hosting external references, so this mechanism is effectively opt-in.
Iconable.IconFlags, Iconable.LastComputedIcon
accept, acceptChildren, add, addAfter, addBefore, addRange, addRangeAfter, addRangeBefore, checkAdd, checkDelete, copy, delete, deleteChildRange, findElementAt, findReferenceAt, getChildren, getContainingFile, getContext, getCopyableUserData, getFirstChild, getLanguage, getLastChild, getManager, getNavigationElement, getNextSibling, getNode, getOriginalElement, getOwnReferences, getParent, getPrevSibling, getProject, getReference, getReferences, getResolveScope, getStartOffsetInParent, getText, getTextLength, getTextOffset, getTextRange, getTextRangeInParent, getUseScope, isEquivalentTo, isPhysical, isValid, isWritable, processDeclarations, putCopyableUserData, replace, textContains, textMatches, textMatches, textToCharArray, toString
getUserData, putUserData