All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Concrete Methods
Modifier and Type |
Method and Description |
boolean |
canBeDuplicated(XmlAttribute attribute) |
TagNameReference |
createTagNameReference(ASTNode nameElement,
boolean startTagFlag) |
XmlExtension.AttributeValuePresentation |
getAttributeValuePresentation(XmlTag tag,
java.lang.String attributeName,
java.lang.String defaultAttributeQuote) |
abstract java.util.List<XmlExtension.TagInfo> |
getAvailableTagNames(XmlFile file,
XmlTag context) |
XmlFile |
getContainingFile(PsiElement element) |
XmlNSDescriptor |
getDescriptorFromDoctype(XmlFile containingFile,
XmlNSDescriptor descr) |
XmlElementDescriptor |
getElementDescriptor(XmlTag tag,
XmlTag contextTag,
XmlElementDescriptor parentDescriptor) |
static XmlExtension |
getExtension(PsiFile file) |
static XmlExtension |
getExtensionByElement(PsiElement element) |
HighlightInfoType |
getHighlightInfoType(XmlFile file) |
java.lang.String[] [] |
getNamespacesFromDocument(XmlDocument parent,
boolean declarationsExist) |
XmlNSDescriptor |
getNSDescriptor(XmlTag element,
java.lang.String namespace,
boolean strict) |
SearchScope |
getNsPrefixScope(XmlAttribute declaration) |
XmlTag |
getParentTagForNamespace(XmlTag tag,
XmlNSDescriptor namespace) |
abstract SchemaPrefix |
getPrefixDeclaration(XmlTag context,
java.lang.String namespacePrefix) |
boolean |
hasDynamicComponents(PsiElement element) |
abstract boolean |
isAvailable(PsiFile file) |
static boolean |
isCollapsible(XmlTag tag) |
boolean |
isCollapsibleTag(XmlTag tag) |
boolean |
isCustomTagAllowed(XmlTag tag) |
boolean |
isIndirectSyntax(XmlAttributeDescriptor descriptor) |
boolean |
isRequiredAttributeImplicitlyPresent(XmlTag tag,
java.lang.String attrName) |
boolean |
isSelfClosingTagAllowed(XmlTag tag) |
boolean |
isSingleTagException(XmlTag tag) |
boolean |
isValidTagNameChar(char c) |
boolean |
shouldBeHighlightedAsTag(XmlTag tag) |
boolean |
shouldBeInserted(XmlAttributeDescriptor descriptor) |
static boolean |
shouldIgnoreSelfClosingTag(XmlTag tag) |
boolean |
useXmlTagInsertHandler() |
XmlNSDescriptor |
wrapNSDescriptor(XmlTag element,
java.lang.String namespacePrefix,
XmlNSDescriptor descriptor) |